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September: Farfel
August: Jacko


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Figure of the Month
September 2004: Farfel


Figure Name:   Farfel

Date Created: 1950's   Created by: Frank Marshall

Used by: Jimmy Nelson

Special Features: Ears pull up.

1. This figure was a duplicate for the original Farfel to be used in television appearances, but it didn't suit Nelson, and was relegated to the role of "stunt double."
2. You can watch this stunt double in action in a 60 second Nestle's commercial: ( low bandwidth | high bandwidth
3. The figure is of a different color from the present Farfel because it was designed to look good on black and white TV's.
4. Nelson donated the figure to Vent Haven on July 2, 1982.
5. When Nelson donated Farfel in 1982, he also donated an audio tape describing the figure. You can listen to Nelson talk about this figure by clicking this link.
6. The real Farfel (not this stunt double) became famous singing the Nestle's jingle: "N-E-S-T-L-E-S / Nestle's makes the very best / Chooooocolate..."
7. Farfel's trademark snapping of the jaw at the end of the word "Chocolate" was originally an accident. During a performance in front of some television executives who were being pitched the Nestle's ads, Nelson's hand slipped off of the control, causing the jaw to snap shut. Nelson was mortified, thinking that this slip might cost him the job. The execs loved his performance, though, and asked for more. The second time he performed in front of them, he made sure of his grip. End result: no snapping shut, but also no laughing.  Nelson was asked to put the snapping shut back in, the execs loved it, and a trademark was born.

Do you have additional information about this figure? Do you have a suggestion for a future Figure of the Month? Is there a figure maker whose work you would like to see featured? Let us know by emailing the Vent Haven staff.

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