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Vent Haven Museum

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Figure of the Month
November 2004: George


Figure Name:   George

Date Created: Unknown (late 19th/early 20th century)   Created by: Unknown

Used by: Jules Vernon

Special Features: Ears wiggle

1. George was used by vaudeville ventriloquist Jules Vernon (real name Walter Lester Pope Knyvette) in a skit consisting of several other characters.
2. As was the standard practice in vaudeville times, Vernon's performance focused more on entertaining the audience with Vernon's ability to switch quickly from one voice to another and Vernon's ability to manipulate several characters at once, rather than focusing on being funny (though humor was an integral part of the act).
3. George is one of six Vernon figures in the Vent Haven collection. The six figures are mounted onto a bench that Vernon would stand behind during performances.
4. Vernon went blind on Christmas morning of 1920.
5. A proud man, Vernon never let the audience know about his blindness. Before each performance his wife would run an almost invisible string from the offstage area to the bench.  When it was time for Vernon to come onstage, he would use the string as a guide to lead him to his spot.
6. George had a terrible stutter, which was a running joke throughout Vernon's act.
7. You can click here to see more photos of George and Vernon, as well as photos of George's compatriots in Vernon's act. 

Do you have additional information about this figure? Do you have a suggestion for a future Figure of the Month? Is there a figure maker whose work you would like to see featured? Let us know by emailing the Vent Haven staff.

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