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October: Sammy

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Vent Haven Museum

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Figure of the Month
October 2004: Sammy


Figure Name:   Sammy

Date Created: circa 1920   Created by: Walter Lambert

Used by: Walter Lambert (under the stage name Lydia Dreams)

Special Features: natural teeth, moving eyes, eyelashes, leather mouth, natural hair, two strings to control mouth action (one string serves as auxiliary string)

1. Sammy is a head only, displayed on the head rack in Building One (The W.S. Berger Memorial Building). 
2. British ventriloquist Walter Lambert performed dressed as a woman under the stage name of Lydia Dreams.
3. In Sammy's skit, Lambert would pretend to be a nurse and perform a surgical procedure on Sammy, whom the audience thought was real until the end of the skit when the deception was revealed.
4. Sammy survived the German Blitz during World War II.
5. Sammy's teeth are real human teeth.
6. Sammy is a life-like model of the child of a friend of Lambert's.
7. Lambert's grandson and great-granddaughter visited Vent Haven on June 6, 2004.

Do you have additional information about this figure? Do you have a suggestion for a future Figure of the Month? Is there a figure maker whose work you would like to see featured? Let us know by emailing the Vent Haven staff.

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