Past Figures

June: Joe Flip
May: Shorty Jones
April: Maisie
March: Art Anteak
February: Charlie McCarthy
January: Cecil

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November: George

October: Sammy

September: Farfel
August: Jacko


Vent Haven Museum

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Figure of the Month
February 2005: Charlie McCarthy replica


Figure Name: Charlie McCarthy

Date Created: 1980   Created by: Gizmo Labs

Used by: original used by Edgar Bergen

Special Features: None 

1. The original Charlie McCarthy became famous as the wise-cracking sidekick to Edgar Bergen, the most famous of all ventriloquists.
2. Bergen and McCarthy ruled the radio airwaves for over 20 years in the 1930's, '40's, and '50's.
3. This figure is not an original Charlie and was never used by Edgar Bergen.
4. This replica is not a working figure. Gizmo Labs had authorization to create this figure as a museum piece by the Bergen Foundation with the stipulation that it be non-functional. The mouth slots are drawn on, and there are no working mechanisms in the body. 
This replica is made from molds taken from an authentic Charlie McCarthy.
6. For most tourists at Vent Haven, seeing this figure is the highlight of the tour.
7. One of the authentic Charlie McCarthys is on permanent display at the Smithsonian Institute.
8. There is some debate about how many other authentic Charlies exist.
9. For trivia buffs, you can read even more about Bergen and McCarthy in  DUMMY DAYS , a biography of Bergen and four other vents, written by Vent Haven Museum advisor Kelly Asbury. You can purchase the book at at the link above, or buy the book from the museum, and all proceeds will go to the museum.

Do you have additional information about this figure? Do you have a suggestion for a future Figure of the Month? Is there a figure maker whose work you would like to see featured? Let us know by emailing the Vent Haven staff.

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